About us

We focus on our client’s needs to establish a relationship with him/her that allows us to get involved personally with the reality of his/her business in order to find the best operational solutions.

Enrico Rossi



1972, Graduated at the University "Luigi Bocconi"


1977-2015, Certified Public Accountant
1995, Statutory auditor

Other activities

2002 - 2010
President at the ALPL Associazione Libere Professioni Lecco (Liberal professions association in Lecco) - CUP (single booking department) in Lecco

Member of the Ministerial Committee at the Ministry of Justice for the development of the reform concerning intellectual professions right

2004 - 2010
CUP President - Comitato unitario professioni intellettuali (Joint Committee on intellectual professions), Lombardy

2009 - 2010
Vice National Coordinator of Conferenza nazionale dei CUP territoriali (National Conference of Territorial CUP)

2010 - 2014
Statutory auditor of companies of national interest

from 2013
Member of the Central Commission of Charity of the Cariplo Foundation

from 2014
Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation in the Province of Lecco