
The Studio Rossi-Gerosa performs all operations in the field of business, corporate affairs, contracts, inheritance and estate organization, taxation, companies in crisis.


Corporate area

Establishment of companies- Identification of the best forms of governance - ordinary management – corporate and fiscal actions - extraordinary transactions- Management Business and strategic consulting - Opinions and expert opinions regarding corporate affairs - corporate disputes and arbitration – Projects on corporate reorganization - assessment, acquisition and disposal of investments - company contracts - Liquidation of companies and management  of liquidation processes

Corporate and accounting area

Companies management - Valuation, acquisition and sale of businesses - Due diligence - Organization of procedures and data management - Accounting - Financial statements and extraordinary financial statements - Financial Situations - Organization management control – experts reports in accounting and financial matters - Opinions and tax audits – Real Estate Management - Italian and international tax planning

Legality check and statutory audit area

Statutory auditor activity of companies of national interest and  in the banking sector - Statutory audits

Inheritance and estate organization

Inheritance and estate organization

Bankruptcy area

Assistance in insolvency procedures - extrajudicial agreements - concordato preventivo proceedings (i.e. arrangement with creditors) - Restructuring agreements - Action plans - Crisis from over-indebtedness – Activity of receivers - Activities of judicial liquidator - Activities of liquidator

Tax Assistance area

Taxation consulting services - Italian and international taxation planning – Tax obligations and declarations– tax sworn asseveration - inheritance planning - inheritance and gift tax assessment

Contract consulting area

Contract Consulting

Tax litigation

Tax audits assistance - Legal defence in disputes with fiscal authorities – relations with the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) - Tax refunds receivable

Non-profit organizations area

Administrative and accounting organization- Financial statement- civil and tax organization – audit appointments